Using Shrew Soft VPN client with a Cisco RV 120W
After much fruitless searching for helpful documentation to assist me in setting up the VPN services on a Cisco RV 120W to work with the open source client from Shrew Soft, I thought I’d better make a post here to help others. I’m setting up the VPN to use xauth (usernames and passwords) to authenticate sessions. I want to allow DNS/WINS through the VPN tunnel and I want to allow ‘split tunnelling’ so that internet access still functions while the tunnel is up. I found a very helpful PDF guide to getting the Cisco device configured from [After much fruitless searching for helpful documentation to assist me in setting up the VPN services on a Cisco RV 120W to work with the open source client from Shrew Soft, I thought I’d better make a post here to help others. I’m setting up the VPN to use xauth (usernames and passwords) to authenticate sessions. I want to allow DNS/WINS through the VPN tunnel and I want to allow ‘split tunnelling’ so that internet access still functions while the tunnel is up. I found a very helpful PDF guide to getting the Cisco device configured from]( who produce VPN client software. The PDF for that guide is here. I also found a PDF guide written by Cisco to getting the Shrew Soft client to talk to a Cisco SA 500. There is another technote on configuring the SA500 to accept the connections from a Shrew Soft client too, which is quite helpful. Read on for the recipe. ...