Campaign ‘Diary’ from Sarah Teather

While this isn’t news in the current affairs sense, it’s relevent to the ‘online activism’ of blogging for your MP. I found this on the Guardian website from the time of the Brent East By-election last year which took Sarah into Parliament. While this isn’t news in the current affairs sense, it’s relevent to the ‘online activism’ of blogging for your MP. I found this on the Guardian website from the time of the Brent East By-election last year which took Sarah into Parliament....

July 5, 2004 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Response from Sarah Teather’s Office

Following up on those missing speeches… Dear Mr Dyke, Thank you very much for your e-mail about the two debates that Sarah took part in the week before last. You mentioned that you had looked on Hansard and for the debates but couldn’t find them. Both debates took place on Tuesday 22nd June in Westminster Hall, which is separate from the main chamber of the House of Commons. Speeches made in Westminster Hall are still recorded in Hansard but are in a different section, which might account for why you could not locate them in the online Hansard....

July 5, 2004 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

The missing speeches...

OK. After some further searching I found the speeches. Firstly, the reason I couldn’t find the searches is that they were not made on the 1st of July as the news posts on the Brent & Brent East Lib Dem web site states and secondly, the speeches were made in adjournment debates in Westminster Hall, not in the House of Commons as the photographs would suggest. So, updated with correct, relevent and contextual information, here is the Brent & Brent East Liberal Democrats ‘Content In Brief’ for 2nd July 2004....

July 3, 2004 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

making the spoken word more informing...

OK. It’s great to have the Brent Liberal Democrat auto mailer tell me that a speech made by Sarah has been posted to their website. But this is the crazy-super-inter-highway-web-thingy! Here we can make things more informing, have greater detail and relevence. Online, you can hyperlink! So. In order to make OK. It’s great to have the Brent Liberal Democrat auto mailer tell me that a speech made by Sarah has been posted to their website....

July 3, 2004 · 9 min · Rob Dyke

when news isn’t news

Yesterday, the ‘Brent & Brent East Liberal Democrats team’ automailer sent me a content update for their website. Today’s content in brief from the Brent & Brent East Liberal Democrats web site: Articles posted to the site today: Fighting Discrimination against Muslims by Sarah Teather in Hansard, speech by Sarah Teather MP in Houses of Parliament Teather Calls for Fairer Funding for Brent Schools by Sarah Teather MP in Hansard, speech by Sarah Teather in the House of Commons http://www....

July 3, 2004 · 2 min · Rob Dyke