study tools

I’ve invested a lot of time in researching and testing tools to support my studies. i wanted to to break away from so-called ‘productivity tools’, as in all my years of using software like Visio, Word, Outlook, I’ve never really been productive: too much of my time and effort has been wasted in taming the application, or repeated manually generating my desired formatting - perhaps counter-productivity tools would be more accurate. I’m in my third year of studying for a BA. I’m researching my subjects and my ideas, reading lots, annotating my reading, working on assignments, editing and revising my work. I work in different locations and at different times and I want access to my work where and whenever I am. As such, a piece of hardware, a laptop or a pda is not the whole answer to these needs, I need software to support my study too. bring on the tools. ...

October 23, 2007 · 2 min · Rob Dyke

E-Benchmarking for Goldsmiths CELT

Towards the end of term at Goldsmiths I participated in a huge number of half-baked surveys and poorly designed questionnaires. Still, that’s my own fault for saying ‘Yes’ to all the last minute BA Sociology / Psychology students, desperate to get some data to evaluate for their assignments. The E-benchmarking survey for CELT, on the other hand, was a focused piece of qualitative research using interviews with students to benchmark e-learning activity at Goldsmiths....

August 9, 2007 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Goldsmiths Debating Society

There is talk about resurecting the ‘Smiths Debating Society… check out the wiki and add yourself if you are interested in this.

January 30, 2007 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

political firsts...

I’m interested in starting an e-journal of politics essays written by Goldsmiths students - want to help make it happen? The only requirement for publishing being that the essay received a First when marked. Publishing would be under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License. Drop me an email at my goldsmiths account (ss601rd@…) or leave comments here.

January 30, 2007 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

And relax....

And breath in… So. I last had something to ‘show and tell’ over a month ago (and that wasn’t particularly big or clever…) Been busy. Enrolled on BA Politics Economic and Public Policy at Goldsmiths University. Getting my teeth stuck in. Substantial stuff. Satisfying. And then there is [And breath in… So. I last had something to ‘show and tell’ over a month ago (and that wasn’t particularly big or clever…)...

October 22, 2004 · 1 min · Rob Dyke