Live! from Brent Town Hall it'...............?

Well what a difference a year makes. Last year there was smoking in the Town Hall and a late (unlicensed?) bar. This year after two major pieces of legislation (smoking ban and 24h licensing) the Town Hall is not the den it was. Shame about the bar… Now, where would I find out if the Council was licensed for the late bar last year……. 😉

May 4, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Going to the count...

Last year I was the guest of Team Green. This year Team Yellow have invited me to join the best lockin in Brent. Once again I’ll bring you the result and a pretty graphic from the floor of the town hall as the result is announced….assuming I don’t fall asleep! I’m tired now. Not from any intensive campaigning like the Teams… I’m a 6-week-new-dad! We’ll see if I make it through to the small hours again!...

May 4, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Big Brother Brent

Big Brother Election Poster

May 4, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Brent, are you voting?

I can see people reading this blog. There have been 216 of you this last week and 48 readers so far today! Are you voting, Brent people? Who are you voting for? Why? Why vote at all? Got any comments? After all, it’s Your Council for Your Street and Your Services - Are you having your say? Me? Of course I’ve voted! I’ve supported Team Yellow in my ward, Mapesbury (Look for the Bird!...

May 4, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

my thoughts on the results

what do I think? I think the Green’s have won it really. I expect them to gain two seats, well, at least one in Queen’s Park. Also, I think that Cameron may have spoken to a lot of people at a local level and Team Blue will make a few gains. Team Yellow (Look for the Bird!) will also make gains, probably bringing them level with the Blues… These gains will be to someones loss: Team Read....

May 3, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke