Big Brother Brent
Big Brother Election Poster
Big Brother Election Poster
Electoral law prevents a council from promoting candidates standing in local elections. Has the spirit of the ‘purdah’ period been broken by Brent Council? The Brent Lib Dems seem to think so. Now, I’ve not yet seen the article in question, my copy of the Brent Magazine has been sitting unread since it arrived and usually only gets a slight glance before being recycled. I’ll get a scan and post it....
Noticed more people in yellow safety jackets walking around the streets recently? On Friday last week I saw a member of the Brent Council Street Care team out ward walking in Mapesbury. He was monitoring the recycling collection from both the kerb side boxes and the green wheelie bins - check we residents were using the service and using it correctly? checking up on the contractors? don’t know - either way his purpose was to be highly visible in the ward. Suit, yellow jacket, Brent Council Street Care printed on the back in big letters? A visibility exercise in the ward prior to the ward hustings tomorrow and the Mapesbury Residents Associations (MAPRA) Annual General Meeting?That’s probably just the skeptic in me… …but then this afternoon…. ...
currently working on some mapping extensions to the Brent East Campaigning website. I plan to show a map of the Borough of Brent and to overlay various political informations such as the elected representatives for the wards both at local and national level. I’ll begin with a map and just mash in some datasources that I will build myself. I need to build them by hand as Brent Council supply only a limited amount of information in machine readable format and what is made available in not geo-coded so it is unknown where the information refers to....
I noticed these letters written by Dr Shahrar Ali, Green Party candidate for Queen’s Park along with Rupert Degas, to Brent area newspapers recently. On Brent Labour Council tower block imperatives:“Whilst this may not come as a revelation to seasoned campaigners, the public admission is a sign of desperation: a local government that denies responsibility for actions that it is going to take on our behalf but against our will."On the timing of the planning process:...