Five Brent Post Offices to close?

Barry Gardiner (MP Brent North) was previously Minister for Competitiveness at the Department of Trade � Industry and met with Post Watch back in 2006 to discuss Post Office closures. He also voted with the Govt for the euphemistic motion cited above. What we will see over the coming weeks is a flood of photo opportunities in front of Post Offices… All you need to remember is that Dawn and Barry vote with the Govt on ‘national issues’ then campaign against the Govt on ‘local issues’, even when they are the same issue....

March 3, 2008 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Dollis Hill House

I spend a lot of time in Gladstone Park and I’ve recently taken an interest in the state of Dollis Hill House. I think that the kindest word to describe the building is ‘wreak’. There are plans (there are always plans) to restore the house from the Dollis Hill House Trust in partnership with Training For Life. I’m not sure what they are in detail… but the appear to involve getting a whole bunch of money together to renovate the building into a venue of some kind - better than flats… no worse than demolition....

February 19, 2008 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Cricklewood Library - NOT under threat!

Cllr Chris Leaman writes “The rumour and subsequent petition started after a report which recommended library closures was released into the public domain. This report was based on a strategy to libraries that was agreed under the previous Labour administration. The current executive have rejected this plan and asked for a new strategy to be written. I understand that the new strategy will not recommend library closures. The new draft library strategy should be published in the next few weeks....

September 5, 2007 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Cricklewood Library

I have heard rumors locally about the closure of Cricklewood library and todaysigned a petition, organised by Friends of Cricklewood Library to keep it open. I’ve emailed Brent Council and the Lib Dem Councillors to try and discover more truth or otherwise about this rumor.

September 5, 2007 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Feeling blue?

I wasn’t sure who the campaign material that recently popped through my front door belonged to. I wasn’t inclined to turn the flyer over really… I read the Guardian & the Indy, I get enough conservative bashing on a daily basis to have toned it out. But who was it from… Labour or Lib Dem? A closer inspection and I trained my eye on the graphic in the bottom corner which gave it away as anti-tory material published by Brent Lib Dems....

February 15, 2005 · 1 min · Rob Dyke