Witnessing the count

The suggestion that a number of votes went uncounted at the local election is based on what was witnessed by Shahrar Ali on the night. There is no way that Shahrar could have seen all the ballot papers in for the Queen’s Park ward, but he did witness the first sort and count of the block votes and also the count of the ‘splits’ and the paper with unallocated votes....

May 19, 2006 · 2 min · Rob Dyke

How are votes counted?

While researching the possibility of votes going uncounted in Queen’s Park ward I’ve discovered many interesting pieces of information. Well, I fiund them interesting anyway. Want to know how your votes are processed after you have mailing them of pushed them into those little black boxes at the polling station? Read more…. ...

May 19, 2006 · 2 min · Rob Dyke

The Teather Factor

Speaking on the ‘carnage’ following the local elections in Brent, Labour Cllr Mary Arnold acknowledges that Team Yellow worked hard for the victories they knotched up: “There is also the Teather factor - there’s a machinery that the Lib Dems have got for producing leaflets and campaigning, for bringing people in to canvass.” The Lib Dems did manage to distribute a lot of paper in Mapesbury and Queen’s Park - significantly more than teams Red and Blue....

May 13, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Missing votes in Queen's Park ward?

Did those of you who stood up to be counted on May 4th get counted? I’ve spent today researching the process for the counting of ballots and gathering information on the election result in Brent as I believe that there is cause for concern over the result returned in Queen’s Park ward. My concern centres on the counting of ballot papers with unallocated votes. let me explain… You each had three votes on your ballot paper....

May 12, 2006 · 2 min · Rob Dyke

wither bec?

I think we are all voted out. When I say ‘we’ I mean the 37.26% that voted. And for the rest of you?election fatigue or political fatigue disconnected, not apathetic? we’ll see. so, wither bec? much more to be done. I write this weblog and others as I am practicing what I preach: web technologies really reach people. And for new web technologies that goes double. Static, maintenance heavy websites are no good, for the providers and the users....

May 8, 2006 · 1 min · Rob Dyke