Speaking on the ‘carnage’ following the local elections in Brent, Labour Cllr Mary Arnold acknowledges that Team Yellow worked hard for the victories they knotched up:

“There is also the Teather factor - there’s a machinery that the Lib Dems have got for producing leaflets and campaigning, for bringing people in to canvass.”

The Lib Dems did manage to distribute a lot of paper in Mapesbury and Queen’s Park - significantly more than teams Red and Blue.

What will the Teather Factor mean in the light of the new Brent Council? When Ken Livingstone was the MP for Brent East in the 1990’s he was never shy of putting the boot in to the council, Blue or Red. Will Sarah continue with her tactics to date? When she was a lone Lib Dem MP for a constituency with a Labour Council, each opportunity for highlighting problems with the administration and delivery of services was taken. Now Brent Council has no overall control, the Lib Dems do have the most seats on the Council and look likely form the Executive at the Full Council meeting on the 22nd May. I’ll be monitoring for any noticable shift in tone over the coming months.