“the lib dems stand up for us” ? well it is a Brent Lib Dem flyer… this flyer arrived in either late Feb or early March - the trail started early for the BELD team.

BELD stand up for us feb/mar 06

BELD stand up for us feb/mar 06

The update lacks focus - there are a lot of different things crammed ontoa doublesided sheet of A4. Quality of life/local environment make the agenda again - also mentioned is that the lib dems want to focus council tax receipts on public services, sports facilities and public toliets - with disabled access? a wooful lack of disabled access public toilets in Brent and London as a whole! - rather than the wasting of money on “glossy publications” such as the Brent Magazine and the Ward Working leaflets. I’ve got a Ward Working for Mapesbury to post as well… as waste of money? well, it gives Onyx the recycling contractor something to collect. i wonder what percentage of Brents waste - as a whole - the council is responsible for the creation of? anyway……

BELD stand up for us feb/mar 06 - reverse

BELD stand up for us feb/mar 06 - reverse