How do you know you’ve made it as an MP? When Simon Hoggart features you in his Sketch. It had taken our Sarah a little over a year to gain such acceptance. It was after her performance in Prime Ministers Question Time last week Simon welcomed her into the fold.

“Prime minister’s questions, and the Liberal Democrat Sarah Teather rose to speak. She is very short and is the youngest of all MPs, but she is also pretty tough. She wanted to know why funding to a college in her constituency had been reduced.”

“It was a particularly good trade college, known, she said to loud and not entirely ironic cheers, as “the Cambridge of plumbing”. What a good idea! The only difference is that graduates of the Cambridge of plumbing probably make more money than alumni from the Cambridge of Cambridge.”

And you know that Sarah is pleased about this acceptance - The BELD website links to Simon’s Sketch.

Let’s have a read of what Sarah said to the PM.

“The College of North West London has a reputation for excellence in construction, is one of the largest providers of skills for life courses in the country and has been called the Cambridge of plumbing. The Government want the further education sector to provide courses in those priority areas on a demand-led basis, but have not provided the money to meet demand in my area. What advice can the Prime Minister give to the principal of my local college? Should she turn away the students that he has asked her to recruit, or risk the financial viability of the institution?”

The PM, while unable to “comment in detail on the funding of the college in the hon. Lady’s constituency” promises to “to get back to her on the precise details of her college.” I trust we’ll see a follow-up on the BELD website.

You can get some more information on this story on the BELD website.