The NW2 residents association is alerting local residents to an application for a 24h license for the sale of alcohol by a new business opening on the broadway. The former New Heights Furniture Shop in Cricklewood Broadway has been taken over by a supermarket called Way–2–Save. They have a branch in Neasden which has very good range of food, fresh fruit and veg and a halal butchers which would add to the choices for supermarket shopping in the area in a positive way....
According to, the Liberal Democrats have decided to go for Open Source software for organisational infrastructure. The LDs have selected an open-source consultancy and technical services business in Rugby, Credativ, to migrate and support crucial parts of the LibDems tech needs.
I’m very pleased to see this commitment to free and open-source software by a major political party!
The website of my neighbourhood’s residents association, North West Two, is now up and running. Do drop by and visit them at
Take a moment to register and then you can post comments on the news and information posted to the site. There will also be two mailing lists for the community, one distributing information from the association and a second one of local freecycle, skill swap and other announcements....
I received an email from the MapRA Network advising me of some local Open Gardens in the National Garden Scheme. In this scheme, private gardens of national interest are opened to the public, in aid of charity. Here is a map of the local open gardens.
View Larger MapFor more information on the NGS visit main charities supported are: Macmillan Cancer Support; Marie Curie Cancer Care; Help the Hospices.
This week NorthWestTwo organised a neighbourhood walkabout with local Councillors Matthews and Hashmi, officer(s) from Brent Council Street Care, John Rymer and Vikash Mistry from the Neighbourhood WorkingTeam along with the officers from the Mapesbury ward Safer Neighbourhood Team.
I also made a map - click on Read the rest of this entry