Electoral Reform.

New figures from the Electoral Reform Society examine exactly how well each party would have done under two systems of PR: Alternative Vote (AV) and Single Transferable Vote (STV). While they show that under AV the Lib Dems would only increase their seats to 79, the most interesting think for me is that the Conservatives still poll the most seats but insufficient for a majority in all examples. A Lib/Lab coalition under AV would have a 60 seat majority, with a Lib/Con group a majority of 98....

May 10, 2010 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Take Back Parliament

Here is my video taken at the TakeBackParliament protest on Saturday. Dressed in purple and holding signs such as “fair votes now” and “votes not moats” around a thousand campaigners gathered in order to “Take back Parliament” for the voters. We’ll be doing it all again tonight, so I hear…..

May 10, 2010 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Fair Votes Now!

Guy Aitchison from OurKingdom posted a simple question on Friday morning - Is This Democracy? No. No, it’s not. I believe that our hung parliament can only be resolved by electoral reform. So this afternoon I rallied with hundreds of friends from many different groups in Trafalgar Square to Smith Square shouting Fair Votes Now! Rupert Murdoch and News Corpse was slain below Nelson. I’m sure he would have approved....

May 8, 2010 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Beam me up scottie.

Operation Lucid - Ubuntu in London BBC to beam general election results on to Big Ben

May 2, 2010 · 1 min · Rob Dyke

Zero Comments and Zero Friends or how 'social media' is missused and abused by government.

Geert Lovink, in his book ‘Zero Comments’ (2007), argued that blogs were the cause of a “decay of traditional broadcast media” … exhibiting “a ‘nihilist impulse’ to empty out established meaning structures.” In a network based on reciprocal linking and peer-recognition, he wrote that the “lowest rung of the new Internet hierarchy are those blogs and sites that receive no user feedback or ‘zero comments’.” Zero Comments is something that I know about…....

February 24, 2009 · 2 min · Rob Dyke