Campaign Materials - Green Party
Brent East Green News - A4 newsletter - Front Page - JPG Brent East Green News - A4 newsletter - Back Page - JPG
Brent East Green News - A4 newsletter - Front Page - JPG Brent East Green News - A4 newsletter - Back Page - JPG
Brent East Green News - A4 newsletter - Front Page - JPG Brent East Green News - A4 newsletter - Back Page - JPG
Here are some campaign materials from the Labour Party for their candidate Yasmin Qureshi. I won’t display them all here, but you can click on the links to see full size scans of the unsolicited mail that has popped through my letter box in support of their candidate. Elect Yasmin Qureshi - A5 flyer - front - JPG Elect Yasmin Qureshi - A5 flyer - back - JPG Brent East News - Labour Party - front page - JPG
On Thursday I bumped into Yasmin Qureshi, the Labour candidate for Brent East, on Salusbury Road just outside the friendly and well stocked Queen’s Park Books (yes, I do work there, how did you guess?). She was out on the campaign trail, meeting and greeting, probably kissing babies, seeking places to display her posters. Yasmin was accompanied by the Queen’s Park ward local Councillor Neil Nerva. I’ve met Neil Nerva before....
05.05.05 said the Indy. General erection said The Sun. and they are off. I’ve already met the candidates for the Greens and for Labour out on the streets of Queen’s Park. I’ll share these two encounters with you over this weekend. Campaign materials from the Lib Dems and Labour to come - just as soon as i’ve got my image hosting problem sorted.